Under ATEX certification of equipment for use in Zone 0 and 1 by an appointed organization (notified body) as for instance KEMA is mandatory. During the certification process an extensive checklist is followed. Naturally the confidentiality of design details and test results is guaranteed
In the US a similar procedure is followed by Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NTRLĀ“s). The most well known for explosion safety are FM, UL en CSA-US.
By certification you will receive an type approval, meaning that after surrendering design descriptions, schematics, layouts, construction drawings, installation and user guides and a production specimen, eventually that specific version might be approved. In the event of design changes in any of these documents a recertification will be necessary.
Under ATEX a quality control system (like ISO9000) is required to guaranty that the reproduced equipment is in conformity the certified version. The quality system it self must also be approved (a so called Quality Assurance Notification) by a Notified Body when equipment for Zone 0 and 1 is to be produced, see the graph below.
Contract Manufacturing by Exalon Delft
Maintaining an approved quality control system is a time consuming and expensive matter. Especially when it concerns the production of small series of equipment or a small number of different products.
Exalon Delft has and approved quality control system for the production of Cat 1 en 2 equipment
This enables us to develop your product as well as have it certified, produced (put on the market) and finally exclusively delivered to you.
See our pages on Services.